Managing vaccines (beta)

Setting up vaccines and batches for a service

During this sprint, we continued building on what we learned about managing vaccines following our previous sprints in alpha:

We focused on how users might add vaccines and batches when setting up a service – completing two rounds of testing and iterating our designs in between.

Adding vaccines

The following screens illustrate the adding vaccines user journey.

Step 1: users add vaccines to a site

Users are presented with a vaccine list prompting them to add a vaccine to a site.

Vaccine list screen

During initial testing, users found the dropdown option to select a site confusing and would expect to either:

As a result, we iterated our designs to allow users to add vaccines to their sites.

Vaccine allocated to sites screen

We then learned users expect to view all vaccines across all sites in one place, which we will consider in future iterations.

Step 2: users select the vaccine types a service and site offers

Add vaccine types screen

Step 3: users add a vaccine manufacturer, product name and minimal stock threshold

Adding a vaccine manufacturer screen

We found users value tracking vials (as well as doses) to understand stock levels. For example, a COVID-19 vaccine vial can contain multiple doses that vary depending on the vaccine type. We plan to iterate our designs to reflect these units throughout the record a vaccination service.

Step 4: users add vaccines to the sites.

Select sites to allocate vaccines screen

We learned from users in larger organisations with many sites that they would find it easier to select or clear all sites together.

Step 5: users check and confirm vaccines

Check and confirm vaccines screen

In our first round of testing, we found some users expect to add batches when setting up their service if they have already received stock. Therefore, we iterated our designs to allow users to add batches to a site from this screen by adding a call to action button.

Adding batches to a site

The following screens illustrate the adding batches user journey.

Step 1: users add batches

Adding batches screen

Step 2: users select sites (to allocate batches)

Selecting sites to allocate batches screen

During testing, we learned that users need to split batches across multiple sites. As a result, we incorporated the next step into the journey to give users this ability.

Step 3: users allocate vials to sites

Allocating vials to sites screen

Step 4: users check and confirm batches

Checking and confirming batches screen

Usability score and summary

Using a seven-point rating scale, users scored our iterated vaccine and batch management user journey 6 out of 7 (confident) across both rounds of testing. Overall, users found the journey logical and straightforward and liked the control of adding batches to sites.

“Nothing trips me up and makes me worry about getting things wrong.”